Your Best Defence in Hamilton, Ontario.
Hamilton criminal lawyer, Shayan Shaffie, defends all DUI and criminal charges.
Five Star
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Proudly Serving Hamilton
Shayan Shaffie began his legal career in Hamilton. That's why he's especially proud to represent its people.
We Accept Legal Aid
Our legal fees won't break the bank - and for select Hamiltonians we will accept Legal Aid as a form of payment.
Your Hamilton Criminal Lawyer.
If you've been charged with a DUI or a criminal offence in Hamilton, Burlington or the Golden Horseshoe Area, talk to an experienced Hamilton criminal lawyer. Call Shayan Shaffie for the right advice.
Shayan Shaffie is a Hamilton criminal lawyer and founder of Shaffie Law, a criminal defence law firm based in Hamilton and Toronto.
Shayan is a graduate of the University of Toronto law school, ranked by Times Higher Education as one of the world's top 10 law schools. He joined the Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office after obtaining his law degree - first as an articling student, then as an Assistant Crown Attorney.
After learning the prosecution method and building a reputation for tough, intelligent advocacy, Shayan left the public sector in 2015 to establish his criminal defence law firm. Today, Shayan is a Hamilton defence criminal lawyer who proudly uses his skill and knowledge to protect the rights of all his clients.
If you need a criminal lawyer in Hamilton, call Shaffie Law today. We offer free consultations and accept Legal Aid for qualifying cases.
Special areas of concentration include domestic assault, major firearms and drug charges, bail hearings, drinking or drugged driving, and representing first-time, youthful and aboriginal clients.

Mr. Shayan Shaffie, Barrister & Solicitor J.D., B.A. Hons., University of Toronto

Shayan Shaffie Knows Hamilton.
Shayan Shaffie knows Hamilton. After graduating from the University of Toronto law school, he began his legal career by articling for the Hamilton Crown Attorney’s Office in 2010. There, he gained a rich first-hand knowledge of the local culture, lawyers and judges as he worked cases ranging from petty theft to first degree murder.
After his call to the Ontario bar, Shayan joined the Hamilton Crown Attorney’s Office as an Assistant Crown Attorney. For several years he honed his litigation skill by arguing cases in front of Hamilton’s toughest judges. In 2015, after growing to love the city that started his career, he turned down a long-term job offer with the Ministry of the Attorney General. Instead he returned to his native Toronto and established Shaffie Law. After years of plying his trade for the prosecution, Shayan was determined to put his skills to use as a criminal defence lawyer.
Hamilton holds a special place in Shayan’s criminal defence practise. He credits its hardworking people for leading him to the conviction that justice and jail are rarely, if ever, compatible. Living in Hamilton and witnessing so many of its residents struggle with addiction, mental health and poverty, Shayan left his role as a Crown firmly believing that he could effect a better serve Ontarians by defending their rights. For their role in helping him to become a prominent criminal defence lawyer, Shayan is grateful to the people of Hamilton.
Shayan continues to appear regularly at the Hamilton criminal courthouse. True to his word, he has proudly served its people since the founding of Shaffie Law in 2015. As a Hamilton criminal lawyer, he accepts all criminal cases. However, over time Shayan has developed a special focus on Hamilton’s troubled, individuals with substance abuse issues, and men and women of the aboriginal community. Because of his unique bond to the region, Shayan continues to accept Legal Aid for as a form of retainer in the region.
As a Hamilton criminal lawyer, Shayan is pleased to draw on his exceptional reputation in the region for the service of his clients. Hamiltonians searching for strong legal representation should look no further. If you are facing criminal charges in Hamilton, Burlington or elsewhere in the region, contact our office today.

Legal Services Provided
Drinking & Drugged Driving
Over 80
"80 or Over"
Impaired Driving
Refusing a Breath Sample
Care or Control Cases
Fatality Cases
Careless Driving
Driving While Prohibited
Driving While Suspended
Recent amendments to the Criminal Code have changed the ways in which drinking and drugged driving offences are investigated, prosecuted and proven. What remains, however, are the significant negative consequences which flow from a finding of guilt in respect of the vast majority of DUI or drugged driving offences.
A driving prohibition, criminal record, significantly increased insurance premiums, mandatory MTO coursework, administrative and reinstatement fees, costs for interlock, the potential for incarceration and even adverse immigration consequences all flow from a first drinking or drugged-driving related conviction. It is with good reason, therefore, that Ontarians should think twice about the benefits of pleading guilty to a DUI-related offence without proper legal advice.
Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie has a proven track record of successfully defending against drinking and drugged driving related charges. As with all DUI cases, Shayan will carefully review every shred of evidence and consider the events as you experienced them in order to create the most effective pathway for a defence. If you are facing an "80 or over", impaired driving, refusal to blow or other drinking and driving related offence, talk to criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie today.
Bail Hearings & Reviews
Bail Hearings
Bail Reviews
Bail Variations
Surety Substitutions
Surety Preparation
Bail marks a crucial early point in every criminal case. The failure to adequately prepare for a bail hearing could mean the issuance of a detention order lasting months or even years. In such cases, Canadians facing criminal charges lose an extremely powerful source of leverage in the prosecution process. Because they are already incarcerated, prosecutors grow disinclined to offer favourable resolution terms. The pressure to plead guilty grows, and the ability to work closely and freely with your defence lawyer shrinks.
Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie has conducted hundreds of bail hearings and dealt with thousands of bail matters. Over time he has acquired an exceptional ability to identify the unique risk-related issues present in every bail case, and to confidently determine the best possible release plan with the tools and personnel available. As with every bail case, Shayan Shaffie will take the time to review the case, identify the central issues, and prepare his sureties for the court process.
If you or someone you know requires assistance with a bail matter, call Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie today.
Sexual Offences
Sexual Assault
Historical Sexual Assault
Sexual Interference
Human Trafficking
Living Off the Avails
Indecent Act
SOIRA Violations
The recent increase in attention paid to crimes of sexual violence (#metoo, #timesup) has translated into significant changes in how crimes of sexual violence are investigated, prosecuted and even proven in courts of law. Bill C-75, for example, has given complainants in sexual assault prosecutions standing to hire counsel and challenge the introduction of once presumptively admissible evidence - a fist in Canadian criminal law.
The end result, by most experienced criminal lawyers' experience, has been an increase in both the number of sexual violences charges laid by the police, and the percentage of these cases resulting in a finding of guilt. The consequences for those charged are dire: jail sentences, a criminal record, registry on a sex offenders list. The list goes on.
Now more than ever, retaining an experienced sexual assault lawyer is essential to preserving your legal rights. Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie has defended dozens of clients charged with sexual offences - from sexual assault to human trafficking. In every case, Shayan has deployed a tactical and thorough approach in order to obtain the best possible result.
If you have been charged with a crime sexual violence, you cannot afford to leave your defence to chance. Call Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie for advice today.
Drug Charges
Drug Trafficking
Drug Importing
Drug Production
Drug Possession
Marijuana Dispensarise
Vehicle Stops
"Project" Cases
Wiretap Cases
Search Cases
The Canadian opioid crisis has fundamentally reshaped the face of addiction and the commercial drug trade in Ontario. Thousands suffer in silence as powerful synthetic drugs like fentanyl and carfentanil replace, or are combined with, traditional street drugs. For those caught trafficking in these powerful new synthetics, the legal risks are higher than ever. Even small amounts of fentanyl could lead to a prison sentence numbering in the years. Penitentiary terms are common.
Meanwhile, the regulation of Canada's new marijuana industry has created a space of both opportunity and confusion. Ontarians who invested heavily in the regime prior to the implementation of the sales regime feel understandably shortchanged and upset. Entrepreneurs looking to cash in operate in a grey market that fraught with risk - usually without legal advice. The ones frequently left holding the bag are idealistic young adults - old enough to attract criminal records for trafficking, but not mature enough to understand how to navigate the justice system.
Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie has successfully defended against all types of criminal drug charges - from major project cases, to importing, to high-volume opioid trafficking. Shayan Shaffie is also skilled in assisting marijuana dispensaries or individuals arrested for marijuana-related offences.
If you or someone you know requires legal assistance in this area of criminal law, call criminal defence lawyer Shayan Shaffie today.
Young Offenders
Sexual Assault
Weapons Offences
Bail Violations
Breach of Disposition
Breach of Probation
The Youth Criminal Justice Act places an appropriate emphasis on the rehabilitation and re-integration of young offenders into Canadian society. This aspirational goal is the result of recognizing the diminished maturity, and therefore moral culpability, of persons under the age of 18.
Although the Youth Criminal Justice Act places strict limits on the ways in which young persons can be investigated and prosecuted for criminal conduct, youth charges remain extremely serious and should be treated as such.
Without the proper supports and legal guidance, relatively simple cases often spiral into recurring charges - most often due to strict bail conditions, an undiagnosed mental health issue, or a combination of the two. In time, attitudinal changes on the part of the young person toward the justice system increase the likelihood of re-offence after the age of 18. In the result, what was once a temporary youth record can transform into a permanent criminal file that haunts the adult.
Young offenders deserve the same intelligent, full-throated defence as any adult. An experienced Toronto criminal lawyer will not only maximize the unique legal advantages afforded to youths by the Youth Criminal Justice Act, but will also work closely with parents or parenting agencies to connect the young person with appropriate community supports. Only by addressing the root cause of the offending behaviour, while implementing a successful court strategy, can the young person and their family feel confident that they are on track to obtaining the best and most durable outcome.
Hamilton criminal lawyer Shayan Shaffie has represented countless young offenders at all stages of the criminal justice process. He has achieved exceptional results by empowering his youth clients and informing their parents of the legal pathway ahead. If your child is facing charges under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, call Shayan Shaffie today.
Charges in Hamilton?
Here's What You Should Know.
If you're facing criminal charges or a DUI in the Hamilton area, you need a criminal defence lawyer with the skill, experience and reputation to get you the best possible result.
Shayan Shaffie is a former Assistant Crown Attorney in the Hamilton. He articled for the Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office and acted as Crown counsel for several years before turning to criminal defence and establishing Shaffie Law.
In his years of practise, Shayan Shaffie has appeared in thousands of cases before the Ontario Court of Justice and Ontario Superior Court of Justice in Hamilton. In that time, he has built a reputation for professionalism, fairness, and above all, an unflinching commitment to the interests of his clients.
From every angle, Shayan Shaffie has a strong, practical grip on how the administration of justice operates in Hamilton. If you need legal advice for a case in Hamilton, including charges in the Burlington, Oakville and Milton region, call us today to see how we can help.

About the John Sopinka Courthouse in Hamilton.
The John Sopinka Courthouse in Hamilton is the region's home for the Ontario Court of Justice and Ontario Superior Court of Justice. These two levels of courts hear all criminal cases arising from arrests in the Hamilton area, including by the Hamilton Police Service and, where applicable, the OPP.
Here are the contact details for the John Sopinka Courthouse:
The John Sopinka Courthouse
45 Main Street East
Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
Tel: +1 (905) 645-5252
All but the most serious criminal charges will begin at the "Ontario Court of Justice", where the John Sopinka Courthouse is home to multiple "types" of criminal court: first appearance or "set date" court, bail courts, trial courts, and, most recently, a court dedicated to hearing guilty pleas.
If you have a criminal case and can't locate the courtroom or the time for your appearance, try phoning the courthouse and asking to speak with one of the clerks of the criminal court. In the alternative, if you believe your appearance is either today or tomorrow, you can check ontariocourtdates.ca, being careful to note the "date" for the docket you are looking at.
About the Crown Attorney's Office in Hamilton.
The Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office is home to the many Assistant Crown Attorneys, management-level Crown Attorneys, clerks and administrative staff responsible for prosecuting criminal cases and administering criminal justice in the Hamilton area generally.
The Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office plays an essential role in the administration of criminal justice. They work closely with local law enforcement, including the Hamilton Police Service and OPP, to collect missing evidence in order to furnish to the defence; they prepare criminal cases, working closely with witnesses and complainants, for presentation at trial; and most importantly, they work alongside local Hamilton criminal defence lawyers to identify legal issues, find efficiencies in criminal cases, and, where applicable, resolve criminal charges - often by way of withdrawal.

Your Hamilton criminal lawyer's reputation among the Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office is essential to advancing your legal interests in a fair and efficient manner. Where a relationship of trust and professionalism exists, expediency replaces suspicion and doubt. This, in turn, is a benefit to clients - like all those at Shaffie Law.
If you have a Hamilton criminal lawyer, you should not contact the Hamilton Crown Attorney's office directly unless specifically advised to do so. If, on the other hand, you are self-represented and need to make contact with their office for the purpose of disclosure or otherwise, here are their contact details:
Hamilton Crown Attorney's Office
45 Main Street East
Suite 441
Hamilton, ON L8N 2B7
Tel: +1 (905) 645-5252
Fax: +1 (905) 645-52
A list of Hamilton's Assistant Crown Attorneys and their contact email addresses can be found here. You are cautioned against contacting a prosecutor directly, unless you have received or are acting on specific legal advice.
Hamilton Criminal Cases: Frequently Asked Questions
I was just released by the police after being charged. When and where is my first court date?
If you've been charged and released by the police and have an upcoming court date in Hamilton, have a look at your release documents - typically a "Promise to Appear" with an "Undertaking". For less serious matters, an "Appearance Notice" may have been issued.
These documents will have two important dates on them: your first court appearance, and a date for providing your fingerprints to the police. You must attend both of these dates. Failure to do so may results in additional criminal charges.
In Hamilton (as of November, 2018) first appearances for criminal cases usually occur in #204 Court at 9am. Fingerprints are usually taken at the Central Police Station several days or weeks in advance of that. Call us if you'd like help interpreting or understanding any of these documents.
Someone I know is being held for a bail hearing. What should I do?
Bail is a serious matter. It should be addressed promptly and effectively by a Hamilton criminal lawyer who has the experience and skill to get the best result. As we are always at a pains of explaining, failure to achieve bail - and achieve it on fair terms - could mean the difference between success and failure in mounting a defence.
If your friend or partner is currently unrepresented, contact Shaffie Law today. Shayan Shaffie has secured the release of hundreds of Hamiltonians charged with criminal, DUI and drug offences - often in complex or very serious cases.
I have a first court appearance tomorrow. What should I expect?
If you're facing charges in Hamilton and have a first appearance coming up, visit our blog: Your First Appearance in an Ontario Criminal Court.
I think I have court tomorrow but I'm not sure. How can I check?
Try this website, and pay attention to the date on the docket. It is usually updated in the late afternoon for the following day's cases.
You can also try phoning the John Sopinka Courthouse and following the tele-directory to "criminal matters". The phone number is (905) 645-5252. When prompted, select the option for "criminal matters".
I want to apply for Legal Aid. How do I do that?
Generally speaking, you require two pieces of information in order to process a Legal Aid application in Hamilton: some evidence of your current income, and the "screening form" which was likely provided to you at your first appearance.
Once you have these items, you can head to the Legal Aid office conveniently located on the main floor of the John Sopinka Courthouse, immediately across from the "criminal court wickets" for the Ontario Court of Justice.
In the alternative, you can contact Legal Aid Ontario's Client Service Centre at 1-800-668-8258.
I want to hire Shayan Shaffie as my Hamilton Criminal lawyer. What kinds of cases does he handle?
Shayan Shaffie has successfully defended clients charged with a gamut of criminal cases - from petty shoplifting, to drinking and driving charges, to major shootings.
If you are interested in our services in the Hamilton, Milton, Oakville or Burlington areas, please contact our office using the contact form below, or call us toll-free at 1-833-742-3343.
Does Shayan Shaffie accept Legal Aid?
Once a client becomes part of my criminal defence practice, we do not discriminate between those paying out of pocket and those funded on Legal Aid.
For that reason, we make absolutely certain in advance that Legal Aid won't present an issue by insisting that we meet our prospective clients face to face before accepting Legal Aid.
This important meeting allows us to learn about our clients' unique histories, their expectations, and the degree of difficulty in mounting the most effective defence possible. This then allows us to determine if a Legal Aid retainer is feasible.
If you are interested in our services, please use the contact form below or call us toll-free at 1-833-742-3343. We look forward to hearing from you.
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